A Leadership Story


As my first blog on this site, I’d like to share my own story of leadership.

Leadership is a concept that has shadowed me for a long time. As a child, I was told I was more of a follower and didn’t have what it takes to be a leader. For most of my life afterwards, I struggled with the desire to speak up and lead yet needing to be unobtrusive. As a young adult, I boldly rejected this narrative, as I rebelled against other internalized stories, though in the back of my mind, I constantly doubted myself. As I grew older, my professional achievements allowed me to accept my leadership capabilities, in leading people and results. I obtained the title professionally, and though some part of me embraced my leadership qualities, the voice was still there, calling me an imposter and continuing to haunt me.

After many years of learning and self-reflection, I have deviated from my initial story. Today, I continue to learn about leadership, but in deeper ways. I have stopped caring how leadership is variously defined or assessed with the purpose of “measuring up.” This is a relief, and I now realize, practically speaking, an impossibility; according to Google there are about 2.6 billion answers to the question of what leadership is! 

 I recognize I am most powerful as a leader when I am fully present in my own being. When I am whole, I am the energy that creates change.

 This is my story of leadership today: It means to be a woman, a warrior for justice and balance, a seeker of the truth and wonders of the world, a fighter with courage and clarity. In being, I know I will create disruption and discomfort in myself and others. But I also know I am fueled by compassion and love, so no matter what the outcome, it will be bounded by care. 

 How has your leadership story changed?


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